AMADE (Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design) is a research and technology transfer group of the University of Girona devoted to the mechanics of materials and structures with a specific focus on fibre-reinforced composite materials.
The mission of AMADE is to perform and disseminate applied research and to transfer it to end user companies, as well as spreading it among students. The aim is to create value out of the created knowledge in companies, people and the scientific community.
AMADE aspires to be an internationally recognized agent of knowledge creation as well as a distinguished partner for technology transfer.
Members of AMADE have a solid background in structural engineering, perform their tasks with creativity and responsibility, are committed to their duties, and act with awareness of the customer needs.
AMADE provides services (testing and simulation), organizes a specific master study on Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MMS), offers the European Master in Advanced Structural Analysis and Design using Composite Materials (FRP++), and trains undergraduate and pre-doctoral students. It welcomes post-doctoral researchers aligned with the values of the group.