3Digital Manufacturing Lab
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3Digital Manufacturing Lab


3Digital Manufacturing Lab

We are glad to be part of the 3Digital Manufacturing Lab (3DML), inaugurated on September 21, 2023, at the Science and Technological Park of the Universitat de Girona (UdG).

The 3DML is promoted by Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia and the Universitat de Girona. The three research groups of the UdG involved in the 3DML are the Process, Product and Production Engineering Research Group (GREP), Paper and Polymer Materials Engineering Laboratory (LEPAMAP) and Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design (AMADE).

The 3DML is a collaboration space to promote digital manufacturing technologies and 3D printing that will generate new knowledge in the Catalan territory and promote technology in the industrial, social and research fields.More information at: https://www.udg.edu/ca/udg/detall-activitats/eventid/34584