28 Ene Winter AMADE Day 2022
We have virtually celebrated our Winter AMADE Day on January 27, 2022.
Special thanks to our invited speakers: Mario Cabello from Ikerlan and former Amade member, and Ruben Isaac Erives Anchondo from DTU, Denmark.
We kindly invite you to visit our website dedicated to AMADE days: http://amade.udg.edu/amade-days/
Program of the day:
10:00 Welcome, Pere Maimí and Cristina Barris
10:10 “From AMADE to IKERLAN: A gateway to modern industrial technologies” Mario Cabello (invited speaker from Ikerlan and former Amade member)
10:30 Session 1: AMADE Chairman: Josep Costa
“Introducing AMTEC: a new actor in the composites industry”, Carlos Sarrado
“AMADE PhD Sophomore Dissertations”, Marta Baena
11:10 Coffee break
11:40 Session 2: Modelling Composite materials Chairman: Dani Trias
“Numerical Implementation of Experimentally Derived Mixed-Mode Cohesive Law”, Ruben Isaac Erives Anchondo (invited speaker from DTU, Denmark)
“Global sensitivity analysis and estimation of design allowables of composite tests within the framework of EU CleanSky Project ‘TREAL’”, Aravind Sasikumar
“Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of delamination and adhesive joints under dynamic loading”, Pablo Villarroel
12:40 Closure