sophomore dissertation: Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of delamination and adhesive joints under dynamic loading
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sophomore dissertation: Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of delamination and adhesive joints under dynamic loading


sophomore dissertation: Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of delamination and adhesive joints under dynamic loading

The PhD student Pablo Martín Villarroel Marquina defended his sophomore dissertation entitled “Numerical modelling and experimental behaviour of delamination and adhesive joints under dynamic loading” on February 11, 2022. Sophomore dissertations are carried out during the first year of the doctoral theses to evaluate the research capacity of doctoral students.

This research is part of the PhD thesis of Pablo Martín Villarroel Marquina, advised by Dr. Emilio González and Dr. Albert Turon from AMADE and Dr. José A. Artero from Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). The thesis is conducted within the BEDYN project, funded by the Clean Sky 2 – Horizon Europe Programme.

The BEDYN consortium is formed by the AMADE research group of the Universitat de Girona as coordinator, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and the company Compoxi SL. The Topic Manager is the French company Dassault Aviation.

The main objective of the PhD thesis is to address a methodology (including innovative tests, measurements, and analysis methods) to properly characterize the dynamic interlaminar behaviour of composite structures and adhesive joints. This research contributes to the definition of standard methods to characterize composite structures and adhesive joints, boosting the design of aeronautical components.

Pablo Martín Villarroel Marquina is beneficiary of a IFUdG predoctoral grant.