22 Jul Summer Amade Day 2022
The AMADE research group holds an event called «AMADE Day» twice a year, in winter and summer. The first AMADE Day was held in a face-to-face format in January 2020, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the group. Subsequent AMADE Days had to be held in a virtual modality due to the pandemic (July 2020, January 2021, July 2021 and January 2022). The 6th AMADE Day has been held on the 15th of July 2022, returning to a face-to-face format.
AMADE Days consist of mini-symposia in which group members share ongoing research projects and research results. They also include the participation of external guests of recognised prestige from companies and institutions specialised in the study, characterisation and analysis of the mechanical behaviour of advanced materials and structures. On this occasion, we count on the participation of Frédéric Laurin from Onera – The French Aerospace Lab and Stacy Patti, PhD student at Onera and AMADE.
We kindly invite you to visit our website dedicated to AMADE days: http://amade.udg.edu/index.php/research/amade-days/
Programme of the Summer AMADE Day 2022:
July 15, at the “Sala d’Actes” of the Faculty of Education & Psychology (Seminar Building, Pl. Sant Domènec, 9, Campus Barri Vell)
10:00 Welcome Pere Maimí and Cristina Barris
10:10 “Overview of the work performed at ONERA on composite materials” Fredéric Laurin (Onera)
10:30 Session 1: New research lines and projects Chairman: Albert Turon
“AMADE’s sight upon composites sustainability”, Josep Costa
“Experimental characterization and numerical modelling of composites at low cryogenic temperatures for the development of LH2 tanks”, Jordi Renart
11:10 Coffee break
11:30 Amade Photo Contest
11:50 Session 2: PhD’s research progresses Chairman: Norbert Blanco
“Towards the prediction of the fatigue lifetime of laminated composites, using an incremental damage model with observable variables”, Stacy Patti
“Bond and flexural behaviour of Externally Boned Reinforcement on Grooves (EBROG) strengthening systems: experimental study”, Alba Codina
“Influence of curing, post-curing and testing temperatures on mechanical properties of a structural adhesive”, Younes Jahani
12:50 Session 3: New training proposals and activities Chairman: Pere Maimí
“A new European Master course in AMADE: The FRP++” Cristina Barris
“PhD internal meetings” Edwin Meulman and ‘Alex Fernández
13:30 Small lunch at the Cloister of the UdG (Faculty of Arts, Edifici Sant Domènec I, Pl. Ferrater I Mora, 1 Campus Barri Vell)
14:30 Discussion & Closure