01 Nov PhD position – Characterization andanalysis of the interlaminar failure ofcomposite materials down to 20K
13/11/2022 11:59 pm – Europe/Brussels
The Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design (AMADE) research group from University of Girona is seeking for candidates to fulfil a PhD position in the field of materials’ engineering and/or mechanical engineering. The open position is within the frame of a project funded by the Horizon Europe program and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Daily evidence of the consequences of climate change is driving social and political demands on the transport industry to reduce its carbon footprint. A radical change is needed to reduce CO2 emissions. To this end, low-carbon propulsion technologies and fuels, such as liquid hydrogen, in combination with lightweight materials are being developed by the sector. The main challenge in using liquid hydrogen is that it must be stored and handled at low cryogenic temperatures (20K). Temperatures at which the material performance is not understood and the analysis methods have not been developed.
The PhD student will be involved in the design process of a liquid hydrogen tank made of composite materials. The work will be focused on the experimental characterization and numerical modelling of the interlaminar failure of composite materials down to 20K. This involves the definition of test set-ups, analysis methods and the formulation of numerical models and its implementation into a Finite Element Code.
We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a master’s in materials’ engineering, mechanical engineering or similar, specifically attracted to perform experimental and numerical tasks, who are interested in conducting their PhD in a dynamic and highly international frame.
Required education level:
Engineering: Master Degree or equivalent
Applicants will have already received the appropriate qualification (Master Degree) allowing the applicant to commence a PhD, before employment. MSc in material engineering, mechanical mechanics, aerospace engineering, and related disciplines, are preferred.
Applicants should be creative and independent thinking.
Required languages
ENGLISH: Excellent
We offer:
• Interesting and challenging environment with highly motivated colleagues.
• To develop a PhD Degree in an international and motivating research group.
• To involve in the European projects.
Eligibility criteria
Candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- To have obtained a minimum average grade of the Bachelor’s degree (240 ECTS credits) of 6,5 according to the declaration of equivalence for studies completed outside of Spain.
- To have completed 60 ECTS credits of a Master’s degree.
If the studies have been completed in non-Spanish universities, a declaration of equivalence of the average grades must be provided. Please, visit the following link to generate the declarations of equivalence:
Selection process
Candidates should send to talent.amade@udg.edu the following documentation before 13/11/2022 11:59 pm – Europe/Brussels:
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal academic transcript of the completed Bachelor’s degree
- Personal academic transcript of the completed Master’s degree
- Grades equivalence document for university studies completed in non-Spanish universities. This document can be obtained from the ‘Ministerio de Educación’: https://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/servicios-al-ciudadano/catalogo/gestion-titulos/estudios-universitarios/titulos-extranjeros/equivalencia-notas-medias.html
Do not hesitate to contact us to solve any questions at: talent.amade@udg.edu
Website for additional details:https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/857227