15 Abr Paper on experimental study and numerical prediction of the bond-slip law for concrete elements strengthened with FRP using metaheuristic algorithm
Researchers of AMADE – Universitat de Girona (Mehdi Aghabagloo, Laura Carreras, Mario Barahona, Cristina Barris, Marta Baena) have recently published the open access paper entitled “experimental study and numerical prediction of the bond-slip law for concrete elements strengthened with FRP using metaheuristic algorithm” at the journal Construction and Building Materials 411 (2024): 134712: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134712.
Modeling an accurate bond-slip model between concrete and reinforcement is a significant challenge in fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthened reinforced concrete (RC). This paper presents a novel method for developing and validating an accurate bond-slip model. By employing a numerical procedure based on the finite difference method and a metaheuristic optimization algorithm, this method eliminates the need for a specific bond-slip law shape. This unique feature enables the prediction of bond-slip laws for various strengthening methods, including EBR and NSM, as demonstrated in this study. Furthermore, the methodology allows for the prediction of bond-slip laws associated with premature failure. The numerical and experimental results obtained confirm the accuracy of the methodology.
The authors acknowledge the support provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/ AEI) [Project Ref. PID2020–119015 GB-C22]; the Generalitat de Catalunya co-funded by Banco Santander [grant number IFUdG 2021/01]; the Generalitat de Catalunya [grant number FISDUR2022]; L.C. acknowledges the grant RYC2021–032171-I funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/ PRTR.
The authors also wish to acknowledge the support of S&P Clever Reinforcement Ibérica Lda for supplying the laminates and the epoxy adhesive used in this study.