AMADE Researchers Recognized in Stanford University’s «World’s Top 2% Scientists» Ranking
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AMADE Researchers Recognized in Stanford University’s «World’s Top 2% Scientists» Ranking

AMADE Researchers Recognized in Stanford University’s «World’s Top 2% Scientists» Ranking

Researchers from AMADE at the Universitat de Girona continue to receive international recognition for their contributions to science and engineering. Both Dr. Pere Maimí and Dr. Albert Turon have been consistently ranked among the world’s top scientists in the prestigious «World’s Top 2% Scientists» list, compiled by Elsevier BV and Stanford University.

In 2019, both researchers were included in the ranking within the subfields of “Materials”, “Mechanical Engineering & Transports” and “Enabling & Strategic Technologies.”

In the most recent update, published in August 2024, Dr. Pere Maimí was recognized in the «Single recent year (2023) data» category. Meanwhile, Dr. Albert Turon received recognition in both the “Single recent year (2023) data” and “Career-long data” categories, underscoring his long-standing contributions to the field.For more details on the ranking and the methodology behind it, please visit